Zack and Miri Make A Porno

Absolutely brilliant! Classic Kevin Smith!

Yay Seth Rogen!

It’s Daryl from The (American) Office! Haha!

What? How did Jason Mewes’ privates onscreen for at least 10 seconds qualify for an R rating? I thought that was automatic NC-17 rating? And that’s also a little misleading…anyone who’s seen a Kevin Smith film before (which are all rated R) wouldn’t exactly expect this (although the title does lend itself to graphic content) and it’s misleading of the ratings board to be so…I’ll use the word generous because I love Kevin Smith’s work…the point of a ratings board is to advise the public properly of what they’re about to see….and it failed it’s job. I therefore call for a new age of personal responsibility where-in we abolish all ratings boards and rely on internet advice boards that detail what is objectionable in a play so everybody knows what’s going on. And if your kids lie to you and see something else….well fine. I don’t have a perfect answer. But the ratings board obviously doesn’t work….eh…I’m just pissed the mom took her kid to Chorus Line and dragged her out halfway through…

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