Time? One breezy November morning
Place? Torrance Cultural Arts Center, Torrance, CA
Why? To meet Anthony Zerbe. I had recognized him in The Matrix sequels, but to recognize someone is to already know him. Where did I first see him you might be asking? That really cool Western series from the 90’s, The Young Riders. Of course that’s not all he’s done, but that’s what I’ve seen. So what was Anthony Zerbe doing in Torrance? Somehow the Parks and Recreation Department arranged for a performance by him and Roscoe Lee Brown of something that they had put together. They had also arranged for a master class with both of them the following morning, but Brown somehow finagled his way out of it. No, he had legitimate reasons, but regardless, he wasn’t able to go. So we (that is, the members of the Torrance Theatre Company and friends) sat in the black box and listened to Anthony Zerbe for about 2, maybe 2 and a half hours about theatre, his career, and a little bit about his acting technique. It was very interesting, and incredibly funny. Within the first ten minutes, he had dropped at least 3 f-bombs (you know, the f-word? No, I don’t mean fire truck). I took notes the whole time and it was just…well you’ll have to see the notes for yourself. But I really learned a lot from him. You want proof? Look at the picture! (Please note that’s not how I normally look, I was really tired that day).