The Punisher

The Punisher – Frank Castle – Thomas Jane – one of the most popular, non-super heroes of the Marvel canon, is finally on the big screen. Some of you may remember how I flipped out in excitement when I saw the poster advertising the movie last summer… ok a couple of you. Oh fine, none of you are supposed to remember these things, I just like to pretend. Anyways, the movie just opened today and it ROCKED!!! Not only was it one of the best hero-birth stories I’ve ever seen, it was so true to the spirit of the comic book I almost cried. I had been worried about the Russian’s appearance from what little we saw of him in the trailer, because all you saw was some shots of him throwing Frank around, and you never really go the concept of his massive size compared with Frank like in … Continue reading →

Part Deaux

For you newbie’s who skipped part alpha and went straight here to part deaux (whatever the hell that means) the following are my vitals. I’m a 17 year old Christian white guy born on July 1. I’ve been dating my girlfriend for about two years. She is a freshman in college and a dancer. I am an Eagle Boy Scout (the highest honor they give out). I’ve had my license since February 3rd, which means I’m not allowed to transport any persons younger than 25 without a 25 year old licensed in’duh’vidual* in the vehicle until I turn 18 this summer. Oh well. I am a senior at Orange County High School of the Arts, a charter school in Santa Ana. I am a musical theatre major which means that I sing songs, act…um…actions, and dance dances. I’m glad that made sense. Another fun fact is that last August I … Continue reading →