The Rock Church Worship Service
Paul Maria Prayer for the offering Paul Ed. Note: Just an amazing thought inspired by “love endures forever” about how God was spurned by his lover, but he was the “bigger man” and sacrificed all to win us back. Maria Going to read you some passages Luke 9 where Jesus is determined to go to Jerusalem Right now we’re in the season of Lent 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday Funky Christian math where we skip Sundays A lot of Catholics give up meat, resulting in Fish Fry Fridays Here at The Rock, we’re focusing on the idea of giving things away for the benefit of others Letting our self-deprivation bless others Questions: Who is someone in your life that you would like to see thrive? What is one way that you can bless them and remind them that they are loved? Is there someone you feel God … Continue reading →