Tag Archives: Be The Center

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Next week after church, church board meeting (finances, etc) Little country vibe there for you. coda Jon Preaching with Maria our new youth leader Shout out to Heather for taking over youth group this summer / past 6 months Excited to see what God has in store for our youth and for Maria and her husband Mike Gospel of Matthew (16) and the book of Philippians (1:26…) I And Thou by Martin Buber Principles of how we’re supposed to be in the living world He sees two positions: yes and no Yes position that we’re called to take, where you are called to say yes No position, I don’t want to get too committed From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day … Continue reading →

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Katie Before a couple of announcements, prayer for the offering Exciting news VBS is just around the corner July 9, 11, 13 www.vacationbibleschool.com/therockchurch Need nursery school volunteers Paul Couple weeks ago Tim spoke about homelessness, last week the ministry about Crave Life from Kurt and Jessica We want more of the good news of God moving in this body Email me throughout the week at [email protected] if you’ve got something Communion Sunday today Countless times we feel like prodigals, like we’ve tried His mercy and grace too many times The table is open Jon Grace and peace to you Several weeks ago we talked about grace and peace and how it’s not just words, they’re life-giving words Ask Rob and Jill to come up and minister to us Rob and Jill Not a big fan of ritual and letting words loose their meaning We should At least speaking these … Continue reading →