Tag Archives: Such Love

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Stephen Agora, SBA May 17th the Bredows are hosting Paul As I was getting the music together this week, I kept being led to sing about the cross Is it a real bummer if I sing about the cross today? My mother taught me about Jesus Last week was supposed to be communion and we had communion outside, the real deal, by sharing a meal together / Jon Luke 14:15-24 Brennan Manning’s memoirs The book begins with a poem Professional at screwing up All Is Grace was written in a certain frame of mind-that of a ragamuffin. This book is by the one who thought he’d be father along by now, but he’s not. It is by the inmate who promised the parole board he’d be good, but he wasn’t. It is by the dim-eyed who showed the path to others but kept losing his way. It is by … Continue reading →

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Katie Before a couple of announcements, prayer for the offering Exciting news VBS is just around the corner July 9, 11, 13 www.vacationbibleschool.com/therockchurch Need nursery school volunteers Paul Couple weeks ago Tim spoke about homelessness, last week the ministry about Crave Life from Kurt and Jessica We want more of the good news of God moving in this body Email me throughout the week at [email protected] if you’ve got something Communion Sunday today Countless times we feel like prodigals, like we’ve tried His mercy and grace too many times The table is open Jon Grace and peace to you Several weeks ago we talked about grace and peace and how it’s not just words, they’re life-giving words Ask Rob and Jill to come up and minister to us Rob and Jill Not a big fan of ritual and letting words loose their meaning We should At least speaking these … Continue reading →