Ted Kennedy En Espanol

I can’t really put into words how much disappointment I have in America that Ted Kennedy is still a US senator. Even more proof that he’s unqualified for his post, he recently went on Piolin Por La Manana, a Spanish radio program (I’m told that Piolin’s immigration status is still in question) and sang part of Jalisco No Te Rajes. Want to hear him slaughter Spanish? Here’s the YouTube link. The following is lyrics and translations (roughly) that I found online.

Title: Ay Jalisco No Te Rajes

Title: Ay! Jalisco don’t break your promise

Ay! Jalisco, Jalisco, Jalisco,

Tu tienes tu novia que es Guadalajara,

You have your sweetheart who is Guadalajara,

Muchacha bonita, la perla mas rara de todo Jalisco es mi Guadalajara.

Pretty girl, the rarest pearl of all Jalisco is my Guadalajara.

Ay! Jalisco no te rajes

Ay! Jalisco don’t break your promise

Me sale del alma gritar con color

with all my soul I want to shout

Abrir todo el pecho pa’echar este grito

baring my heart to let it out

Que lindo es Jalisco, palabra de honor

How beautiful is Jalisco, word of honor

Now here’s a fun trip. The 2nd part of the song is also used in The Three Caballeros song from the Disney film.

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