The Rock Church Worship Service


Be Thou My Vision
Our God Saves
Praise songs going on all around the world at different times
It's A Love Song
Desert Song (I Will Bring Praise)
How Wonderful Are You Lord (I Am Undone)
One thing in my head – being imitators of Christ
Posters on the wall
As a songwriter trying to imitate popular artists
Ludicrous trying to imitate Christ because He’s so perfect
Ephesians 5:1-2
Not being a stupid drunk, etc
What could Paul possibly mean for fallen human beings
Live a life of love
Ephesians 5 talks about husbands and wives loving as Christ loves us
For we are members of His body
I’ve got His DNA
Who are we trying to imitate?
Imitation starts at birth
We’re all imitating someone either consciously or subconsciously
Eric Estrada
I thought I was pretty hot in my kindergarten picture
Michael Jordan
Wham make it big album cover
Dad singing
Plaintive nice Mario Lanzo face
He listened to Dean Martin
Wasn’t attempting to imitate – it just happens
Ever say – I just did that like my parents did
We all grow up with the history of the world on us (Facebook)
Slaveholders, short fuses, alcoholism
Survivors of abuse are more likely to be abusive parents
It’s unconscious imitation
It creeps into your soul, leaving it’s thumbprints
TV watchers, fighting in front of kids, workaholics
Not only are we imitating, we are inspiring imitators
I’m lucky to have such an awesome dad
Some good, some bad
Physically…starting to notice similarities
His hands, his fingers following the words in the Bible
Wedding ring and his finger on the word of God
iPhone users
You’re not just doing – you’re leaving an impression
Jeff Goodrich said he’s unashamed to be affectionate with his wife in front of his kids
Your daughters will never settle for less
This is what your kids are going to follow for the rest of their lives
Work hard and make time for their kids
Church going
It’s not only negative impressions/statistics that carry forward
1 Corinthians 11:1
Terrifying to just announce – do what I do
Paul was a man and a failure as well as an imitator of Christ
Romans 12:2-3
What was He beyond preacher and healer
Opposition to pride
Phillipians 2 attitude as Christ did not consider equality with God as glorious
He know He’s God and that wasn’t enough
If I’ve got an achievement, I don’t hide it
That is the wordly pattern
Humility at work gets you stepped on
When I was younger I was a real angry dude
Flying off the handle all the time
Generational – grandpa
Go destroy something outside
Wiffleball bat meets tree
They dint splinter…they bounce
17 years of strength and it accelerates back at me
What happened to you? Leave me alone, I’m joining the army
Dude you are obnoxious
The older I got the more I Iearned
To die to yourself is an opportunity, not martyrdom
To look at that flesh, that lust, that greed and say I don’t know this man
You don’t have to be anyone that you don’t want to be
That’s what we get from it…a chance to be liberated
Make Christ your pattern that your children may be free
Be imitators of Christ – He’s not here anymore
If someone needs a word of encouragement – that’s our job
Romans 10 – how can they call on the one they do not know
He’s not saying just fast forward the sex scenes on tv and watch your language and I’ll do my thing
We are His works
We’ve got a lot to learn if we’re going to model our lives after Jesus
I need to eat drink and breathe the scriptures until I can’t separate it from ourselves
Ephesians 2 means His DNA is inside us


When we see someone behaving like us, we don’t like it
Do I see myself in someone taking to narrow path? In people being kind or forgiving?
Opportunity tonight to come to the table
I’ve given myself to you…give yourself to me

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