The Shamelessness Of The Father – The Rock Church Worship Service


Sing Sing Sing
Our God Saves
Who You Are

Katie Tiffany

More volunteers needed for Children’s ministry


Jesus had a passion to explain His Father to His followers
He told His parents and His followers strange things
I’m about My Father’s business
My food is to do the will of My Father
To teachers, religious people
He had a clear understanding of the Father
When you love somebody, you talk about them a lot
My dad is 76 and he’s had a long walk with Jesus
The following story is told in interesting places
Jesus had a flow and rhythm to his life: desolate place and prayer, come back and do ministry
The Shamelessness Of The Father – Luke 11:1-13
Not teach us how to heal but how to pray
How do I get to that place?
They came to the conclusion that there was more to…
We like scripts, but we like complexity
If it’s more expensive it’s better
Sometimes we feel stupid when we pray in public
We’re really nervous
Oh Lord Jesus
You’re the paid professional. Can’t you talk?
There’s this mentality that only some people have s good connection to God
Clearly there’s something about your life that we need to understand
Right away it’s about community
Participating with the world
Jesus doesn’t just stop at 57 words
Doesn’t separate words from story
Our Father and friend – two intimates
Nothing impersonal about God
Look at how involved He is in our life
Other sermons suggest annoying persistence
I don’t really want to be annoying to God
5 observations
1. 5-7 question
Which of you, can you imagine?
Taps into imagination
We’re westerners
We have this thing called boundaries
Taco bell is still open
Not now
2. People in this culture don’t get it
In the Middle East it was impossible
Children in bed is a sacred time of peace
I want to talk to an adult
Africa, Lebanon, Armenia
They can’t imagine saying no
3. Cultural dynamics at work
Hospitality, avoidance of shame are key values
When someone visits your house, you go out of your way to please them
They go over and beyond what you can expect
I’ve had meals with the poorest of poor families and they overwhelm you with food
The midnight guest is a guest of the whole village
Everyone is expected to provide
How do you like OUR country?
How you respond affects everyone in the village
Side note: Someone shuns a new person, they don’t see all the nice people
Well you net the mean one!
Huge sense of accountability
How do you like OUR church? OUR community
3 loaves significant
At meals, bowl with food – no utensils except bread
4. Verse 8 the Greek word anaideia
Persistence, impudence, shameless ???, shamelessness
Shame is negative, the avoidance of shame is positive
Not wanting to lose face, damage my reputation
Avoidance of shame at all costs
5. Does not apply to the asked but the person who answers
6 different clauses
1. Though he will not give up
2. And give him anything
3. Because he is a friend
4. Yet because of his avoidance of shame
5. He will rise up
6. And give him as much as he needs
Don’t want word to get out that you can’t trust me
This person has anaideia and can’t turn me away
When the disciples ask Jesus how to pray He gives them 57 words and a story
Lord honor your name
Our father – world community of believers
Psalm 25:11
For your
Psalm 23:3
Ezekiel 33:36
You can always count on God keeping His word
I love Exodus 32
How will the Egyptians know who You are if You do that?
V. 9
We’ll never wear God down
Ask, seek, knock
Present tense, not future tense
V .10
God will never turn His back on you
He’s not a magician
Why are you praying? It won’t matter
Welcome up with complicated
Mother Theresa – When we pray, we are expanding our capacity to receive
Everyone has specific needs
Business deal coming up
You need the h?

I know my God as Father and as Friend
I can always count on Him
The true reality in life is Him
I might even get up in your grill and tell you how amazing you are
Princess party yesterday for Elayna
Jeremiah can take 4 steps and faceplants
Saw Grandpa and set the goal in his mind
Took forever, but got there and he was picked up and adored
Sometimes God help me is the best I can pray today
Knock at 12, 2, I will always answer
One better I’ll give you the Holy Spirit
Run into the heart and arms of your Father/Friend
Even if you fall because you’re chasing bubbles, God will receive you


How Deep The Father's Love For Us

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