The Rock Church Worship Service

Revelation Song (Worthy Is The Lamb Who Was Slain)
This Is A Gifted Response
Rescuer (Mighty And Strong To Save)
Beautiful Things
Such Love (Tell Me The Story Of)


Acts 6-8
Background before we talk about Stephen
The church has experienced a lot of growth and excitement
One of their leaders is about to be murdered and it changes everything
the apostles have received threats, but nothing further until now
This scatters the church of Jerusalem to the four winds
Acts 2 and Pentecost
God revealed His plan of renewing and restoring the world
Christianity flourishes amongst persecution and punishment

Tom Bohlinger

Acts 6:8-15


Want to ask a question of us as a community
Do we have the characteristics of Stephen?
What would people say about me in 4 words?
And what would they say about this community?
V. 8 says Stephen is full of grace and power
Speaking with authority = power
If Jesus is somebody that speaks with power, He speaks for those that can’t
He speaks up against injustice
Speaking on behalf of church
We learned a few weeks ago that the apostles spoke with boldness
In order to be a person full of grace, you have to halve received it
God is grace because that’s what He is

V 10 they could not withstand the wisdom and spirit of his speaking
V 15 his face looks like an angel
His presence radiates
I believe that this should be the norm for Christians
Speaking on the behalf of those who cannot speak
What is wisdom?
I believe wisdom is God
Push someone into a corner, different responses
Cower or fight
Stephen pushed into a corner
James, brother of Jesus
A part of this church that is experiencing persecution
James V 1:5
Instead of cowering, ask for God’s wisdom
I don’t know what to do here, give me wisdom, give me perspective
Help me see beyond my present circumstances
Let’s turn to the teachings of Jesus
Matthew 11:29-30
Rabbinic concept of yoking
Rabbi Ben from the book Sirach 6:19-31
Bind yourself to me to the point where it changes the way you behave
We sing about it but do we give it?
We’re here to raise awareness
Stephen is being accused
In chapter 7 he makes his defense

Leah Anderson

Acts 7:54-60


Remember James
When pushes into a corner, ask for God’s wisdom
What is the glory of God?
Comes from the word kabode
When we see the glory of God it changes us
Our problems become small
As a people we need a renewal
Jesus gets silence in His hour of need because He was treated as sin itself so that we would never have to be
Seeing the glory of the risen King
We see Jesus respect women and orphans
Where do you get the strength to forgive your killers as they’re killing you? God’s grace
Acts 8:1-3
Maybe Stephen influences Stephen
Andrew brings Peter to Jesus, but there’s no book of Andrew
You may be a stepping stone for someone else


So I need glasses now
I need help with my vision
Be Thou My Vision


Think of 4 words that describe yourself and us as a community
Ushers come and ush
Pray for the kids in Big Sur and for the leaders

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