The Spirit And The Bride (For all the thirsty in need of a river)
Ed. Note: The Spirit and the bride say come….interesting song for the church (the bride) to sing
Sing, Sing, Sing (We will sing, sing, sing, and make music with the heavens)
This Is Amazing Grace (This is amazing grace, this is unfailing love)
Beautiful (You're beautiful)
Oceans (You call me out upon the waters, the great unknown where feet may fail)
Interlude from Love Came Down (I am yours)
God likes camping (it’s in Exodus)
16th and 17th of August we’re going to do our 2nd annual VBS camp out
Wilderness park in Torrance
We need all hands on deck to pull this off
If you sign up well find a role that’s uniquely satisfied for you
Starting 22nd June were going to move the service time to 4pm
One reason we’re doing this is for the summer concert season
Another reason is we want to look at how we serve the community
Want to give us time to connect after the service
Ending after concerts in the park
Going to continue on in community series
This week, A Community On Suffering
James 1:2-12
James starts his epistle with a question about God allowing suffering
James doesn’t ask why, he starts with the what and discusses the how
There’s this myth in western religious thought that if you become a Christian you are exempt from trials and tribulations
But that doesn’t jive with the scriptures and with personal experience
God doesn’t play favorites, He includes everyone in giving
So there’s plenty to be given out, you just have to ask
One of the first things to be given in trials is perspective, the big picture
Consider it pure joy
Develops perseverance
Maturity and completion come through the trial
Growing into the person God wants us to be
Consider it <- start thinking
Why is this coming?
What I need is wisdom in the midst of this thing
Grow in patience, develop the trust muscle (particularly trusting in God)
Help us have more compassion for the people around us
When life isn't going my way, that is a high position
Years ago my dad gave me a very valuable book full of sermons from Puritan and Quaker preachers in the 1600s
One of them was about 12 spiritual dangers
The number one spiritual danger that can happen to the human heart is prosperity
The greatest trouble is to have no trouble
St. Bernard said it was a rare thing to see a rich man be humble
The human heart wants to latch on to that prosperity
At a subconscious level we start to say "I'm holding up my end of the deal and God is blessing me"
But that illusion will fade and makes us less and less complete
It's really interesting to see that social media is running rampant in our society
Common value in culture today that says "what's the point of anything worthwhile if nobody's watching?"
What's the goal of Instagram: post pictures and get as many likes as you can
Because that's gives it worth or value
Denise Walters
Typical American cheerleader teenager
Had the whole world ahead of her
She was in between class and suddenly felt this tingling sensation in her legs and collapses
She goes home sick and takes a nap
She wakes up and her legs are paralyzed
Two hours later her arms are paralyzed
Next week she goes blind
Attracted a super accelerated case of multiple sclerosis
This one woman in the hospital, another patient, observed Denise
Never heard Densie complain
It was difficult to talk, but when she did she asked after others
I don't know what God is up to, but He is
She anchored her heart in reality, not illusion
Ephesians 3:10 powers and principalities
Hebrews 4:13 nothing is hidden
All things are naked before Him to whom we must give account
These eyes that are pure and beautiful watching you
Denise had wisdom and anchored her heart in God's reality
Instead of getting anchored in the why
James said your troubles are wonderful and this is cause for joy
Without trouble, we'll never see what we're anchoring our heart into
The mountains are breaking down but the steadfast love of God is forever
Your heart will go on
His suffering led to our resurrection
When those trials come, we should start thinking that this is a time for growth for maturity, so that I can receive the crown of life
Going to ask Melody to come up here and read a story from "The Velveteen Rabbit" that is profound
The skin horse had lived longer in the nursery than any others.
Some questions to reflect / meditate on
Do I need to develop more patience? How is that going to come?
More trust?
Am I trying to control things?