Windows 8, Eh?

8 Things We Hate About Windows 8 8 Things We Love About Windows 8 An interesting analysis of what Microsoft is up to with the impending new release of their Operating System. Some of the “Love” features sound really nifty, but I’m very confused by this whole “Metro UI” thing….methinks I’m going to have to get meself a playground and muck about with Windows 8….

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Started Sunday night, finished Monday night. It’s that gripping and exciting. I’m very interested in picking up/borrowing the sequels just to see what else happens to the world Suzanne Collins created. Having watched some trailers for the upcoming film, I am reminded of how unusual my brain is. Examples: When I started reading, despite the description of the forest around it, District 12 in my head has a blood red sky/hue to it because of the war. The forest was green and lush, just not District 12 itself. The Capitol was envisioned similar to Coruscant from the Star Wars prequels. Katniss looked like a hooded, elvish princess about 90% of the time (during the games or in the forest that is). Rue reminded me of Susie Johnston from Phineas and Ferb. Thresh reminded me of Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver. Cato looked like Billy from Boxer Hokey. I can’t wait … Continue reading →

To Try Men’s Soul by Newt Gingrich & William R. Forstchen

Started: 2/5/2012 Finished: 3/2/2012 An absolutely fascinating study. I like how the foreword directly addresses the fact that they (Gingrich and Forstchen) interrupted a perfectly good narrative of alternate history in World War II’s Pacific theatre to dramatize this particular event. Before reading this, the only thing I had in my mind regarding this historical event was that one painting of “King George” standing stern and glorious in one of the boats as it sails through the ice floes of the Delaware. I never really thought about how much that night truly sucked and how on edge Washington was regarding the crossing and the secret plan.

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Katie Before a couple of announcements, prayer for the offering Exciting news VBS is just around the corner July 9, 11, 13 Need nursery school volunteers Paul Couple weeks ago Tim spoke about homelessness, last week the ministry about Crave Life from Kurt and Jessica We want more of the good news of God moving in this body Email me throughout the week at [email protected] if you’ve got something Communion Sunday today Countless times we feel like prodigals, like we’ve tried His mercy and grace too many times The table is open Jon Grace and peace to you Several weeks ago we talked about grace and peace and how it’s not just words, they’re life-giving words Ask Rob and Jill to come up and minister to us Rob and Jill Not a big fan of ritual and letting words loose their meaning We should At least speaking these … Continue reading →

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul … Jessica and Kurt Committed to going with dad the month of January and it’s a really amazing family Totally connected to the community Great to see him growing to know Christ For the month of January we’d pick him up from a VA Shelter in Santa Ana and driving him back to Buena Park People at Crave Life immediately picked up on the need for drivers and they loved on him and filled the need Jon One more month, only eight thousand more, no big deal Gods already doing what God does, we just want to participate We believe that Jesus gives us the best way of experiencing life For those who have already given graciously, we are so grateful Before we start, a couple of questions Anyone here make any dumb mistakes? Say any stupid things? Been too tough on yourselves? Grace and peace to you and … Continue reading →

Wait…The Cost Of Oil Did What??? And Costo Did WHAT?!?!

Here we go. A straight-forward-ish explanation of what’s going on with the price of oil. So Iran is posturing and the price of oil spikes?!?! Grrr. But even more grrrr was our experience at Costco today. We pulled into the line at the Fullerton Costco gas station (which seemed fairly straight-forward for a Saturday), but soon we were engaged by a Costco employee. They told us that the back pump of each lane was Regular only and the front pump was Premium only. This effectively means that everybody (except the few who don’t want to wait in the line and get Costco employee guidance to queue up for the front pump) is waiting to use one pump per lane. The next opportunity we had we bailed because that’s garbage. As Laura and I waited for the next available opportunity to exeunt the premises, we discussed why on earth Costco would … Continue reading →

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Stephen Leah taking over flow Monday February twentieth kickoff party How to talk about sex and social media with your kids March 10 9am-3pm Offering Paul Communion during the next few songs coda Jon Uganda trip 2 weeks from June first to June fifteenth Matthew 18 So good at the dialogue of forgiveness when we’re asking for it When someone sins against you, how do you behave Everyone in this room has been sinned against, been hurt by someone else Henry Nouwen – but forgiveness changes the way we remember…the only people we can really change are ourselves Esther de Waal – needed at two levels…cannot be free The first two verses Peter asks the question about how often should we forgive … When we practice forgiveness, there is a physiological change What forgiveness is not Forgiveness is not forgetting There are things that have been done against us … Continue reading →