Tag Archives: GoDaddy


**ADDENDUM 1/11/12** WordPress has broken their *personal* vow of political silence to speak up about this issue here! And I’m slacking for having not visited Stop American Censorshipyet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it!!! **/ADDENDUM** **ADDENDUM 12/30/11** Oh wait, sorry that’s the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA). SOPA wants to give Congress the authority to create a new enforcement agency that police’s the Internet looking for copyright violations and giving them the authority to shutdown sites like YouTube and Facebook for “having a vauge definition of piracy” as it were. O.o Really Congress? Really? I mean sure it’s job creation, but who really wants the job of policing the Internet? Besides that job is reserved for XKCD stick figures who can’t budge from their computers because “someone on the Internet is wrong!” 😉 **/ADDENDUM** SOPA is a bill by Congress (those lovable, out-of-touch coots) that wants to … Continue reading →