The Rock Church Worship Service


Mustard seed movement
Take the teachings of Jesus and apply them
Plant small and care for it
How we use our tongues, our language; power/weakness
Kingdom movement
Matthew 26:47-51
How do we respond when life doesn’t go the way we think it should go?
Do-nothingness is a display of weakness
1. On the surface Peter appears strong as an agressor
Airport lines are great places for patience
Grumbler gets louder and louder
I’m so important
Starts swinging his sword
If we honk long enough, a secret portal will open to get you to work in seconds
So easy to draw swords, throw words
Prov 18 tongue
James 1:26
Can’t do nothing, shouldn’t throw words before gathering information
James 1:19
Matthew 26:50-54
You can see Jesus picking up the ear and saying: is this what you learned from me?
Matthew 29:10-11
1 legion of angels = 6,000
Jesus is all powerful and allows Himself to be captured
Matthew 5 – beatitudes
Meek demonstrates strength under control; restraint
Eye for an eye
Someone stabs you in the back, you stab THEM in the back
v. 39
Whatever you do, don’t become the evil that is being done to you
Don’t backstab in reciprocation
What takes more strength? Meekness
Our children are listening to us
Phone calls, “private” conversations, etc
2 Corinthians 12:9
Tired of pretending
Taking of this mask…welcome to strength
Can’t control this person, I surrender
Welcome to strength, welcome to freedom, welcome to the kingdom of Heaven
Tired of always finding the answer
What can I do to help bear your burden?
Can’t strive to be weak – waking up to current reality
Are we willing to embrace that fact?
Vicious cycle
Can’t control ANYTHING
Power of community
Can’t say, sorry you’re feeling weak
Don’t just say you’ll pray for them
Where do you draw faith from? The community
If it wasn’t for that person, I never would have made it
Re-enacting what Jesus did on the cross
Be the presence of the Father
Hallelujah = Praise you God
Prayer and encouragement


Humble King

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