Team America World Police
Trey Parker and Matt Stone are two funny, funny, funny, (very sick), funny guys. It wasn’t enough for them to star in a David Zucker film that mocks the national sports scene and then turn their still-strong legacy of South Park into a movie that makes fun of everybody’s favorite dictator (Saddam Hussein). Oh no. They had to go and comment on the post-9/11 world in a movie that provides laughs on the scale of 9/11 times 1,000. That’s right…911,000 laughs. Or as Kim-Jong-Il says, 9/11 times 256,342 which is…my God, I don’t even know how much that is. No one does! HAHAHAHAHA! Anyways, back to the review. This movie really takes the art of puppeteers and the genre of political satire to a whole new level. I mean, political satire has always been done through comedy, but never comedy this absurd. And if you look through all that, there’s … Continue reading →