Star Wars Saga Problems
Ok, we’re not going to go into what went wrong (or right) with acting jobs (although the majority of what I’ve heard is that Ian McDiarmid and Ewan McGregor were incredible and that Hayden was either good or bad (people are polarized about him)…frankly, I enjoyed him (but I enjoyed the whole prequel trilogy, so there)), but rather what went wrong with the prequel and classic melding. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of it went right, but I’ve found…well I don’t know what to call them… Lucas may have had the broad story arc of Anakin Skywalker down by the time he finished The Empire Strikes Back, but there are still some curious questions. Or at least two of them. Actually I think I succeeded in answering both of them. Oh well…it’s still a good read. 1) When Yoda comments that Luke is too much like his father, “much … Continue reading →