Category Archives: Review

These aren’t so much reviews as contemplations on the subject matter. What I loved, what pissed me off, what intrigued me, what I disliked, what made me think, what made me beg Google for answers.

A Chorus Line – OCPAC

Zach reminded me of Robin Williams and Alan Tudyk. It is also my opinion that he would look good with the thin beard. The humor of Val’s lines and physicality was somewhat hindered by her unnecessary Lina-Lamont-esque accent. This is yet another example of the unfortunate tendency to play the broad comedy instead of aiming for subtle humor (has intellectual comedy died?!?!?!?!?!?). Cassie performed extraordinarily well despite being ill and rather heroically managed to keep her coughing to a minimum. While forewarned that there was no real guitar and that necessary “licks” were synthesized, I found the absence less annoying than anticipated (beyond the opening number). The fact that the lack of a real guitar didn’t glare out of any other numbers (to me, a non-musicians) is a testament to the phenomenal orchestrations of Marvin Hamlisch. Not to say the show should always be done sans (or synthed) guitar – … Continue reading →

Blocking “The Path To 9/11”

A genuine Hollywood premiere! My first chance to rub elbows with the muckety-mucks and I’m wearing jeans and a T-shirt! :D. This documentary is fantastic. Written and directed by former-KFI-late-night-libertarian-guru John Ziegler (check out for the gory details), this documentary chronicles the censorship of ABC’s self-proclaimed docudrama, “The Pathe To 9/11” at the bequest of the Clinton political machine, which is probably why Hillary lost the nomination (which is ironic in and of itself). Geoffrey Rowland (Senior Editor of “The Path To 9/11”) had a fever of 103 degrees when they shot his bit of the documentary. When Zeiglar was wrapping up the 7 hour interview with Cyrus that is the core of the film (he knew Cyrus wanted to watch a big playoff game), he asked the typical documentary question of, “Is there anything else you want to talk about?” and Cyrus leaned in and said, “Ask me … Continue reading →

Swing Vote

Texico, Curry County, New Mexico 5 electoral votes Incumbent Republican Kelsey Grammar has 266 Democratic Dennis Hopper has 267 270 wins The details of how one voter decides the next president instead of the electoral college is the really important part of the movie to me…especially since this is a Disney affiliated movie (Touchstone Pictures) and Disney made the musical …Family Band that revolves around one of the few presidential elections where the electoral college disagreed with the popular vote. Beyond that the movie is all heart-touching, patriotic sentiment and political salesmanship. But I did really enjoy it.

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Whee! I love the Yeti designs. Scorpion King of the Far East, but still enjoyable…. I just can’t understand Rob Cohen…he doesn’t know when a franchise has stalled out (creatively) and keeps making movies with lots of explosions and violence regardless of which cast members want to come back, but then he writes the lyrics to the movie’s torch song which is beautiful and poignant. It really is a shame that Maria Bello had to step in for Rachel Weisz, but Bello does a very nice job. Weisz initially backed out due to scheduling conflicts (which the web is praying is due to her portraying Ava Lord in Sin City 2), but it could have been her pregnancy or dislike of the script…we’ll never know. It’s almost like Back to the Future where Elizabeth Shue replaced the original Jennifer, but she’s really a secondary character. Bello does an excellent job … Continue reading →

Mamma Mia!

I enjoy the music of ABBA. There. I said it. I got it off my chest. That being said, this is a delightful movie musical which had the full support of the musicians behind ABBA (whom I LOVE because they wrote the music for Chess the musical – lyrics by Tim Rice) as they were executive producers on the film (and I can only assume the original musical). Also one of them makes a cameo during Dancing Queen! The cast is phenomenal. Meryll Streep and Pierce Brosnan singing together? Ok…I can die happy now.

The Dark Knight

This film is staggeringly epic in it’s darkness and execution. Heath Ledger’s performance is incredible, but not in my mind Oscar-worthy (but the Academy doesn’t listen to me so we’ll just let Marissa Tomei win again ;] ). I love that the movie opens with the Scarecrow (Cillian Murphy) because it maintains the new Batman mantra of not killing off your villains and letting them be little side jokes that Batman totally destroys. Joker lines I’m like a dog chasing cars…I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one! And here we…go! Can’t rely on anyone anymore… Why so serious son? Let’s put a smile on that face….

Hellboy II: The Golden Army

Quite an enjoyable film. I have to admit I was originally a little irked when I saw that the film highlighted fantastical elements (á la director Guillermo del Toro’s epic masterpiece Pan’s Labyrinth), but Hellboy creator Mike Mingola as del Toro’s wingman, I can’t remain irked…nor can I complain about the results! Ron Perlman returns as the wise-cracking title demon, Selma Blair is firestarter Liz Sherman (Hellboy’s true love) and David Hyde Pierce gets evicted from the ADR booth as Doug Jones (the original body of Abe Sapirn) fully inhabits “Blue” (and does a wonderful job!). Agent Meyers gets traded in for an ectoplasmic, German, Stewie Griffen (Seth McFarlane put his incredibly talented voice into a suit that makes me think of “DANGER Will Robinson!”) and Jeffrey Tambor returns as Hellboy’s boss who is a very empty (and slightly gay) government suit. Toss in an exciting plot about the children … Continue reading →

The Marvelous Wonderettes – Laguna Beach Playhouse

Parking was a nightmare because the Pageant of the Masters was happening. Wheee…. This is a really enjoyable jukebox musical featuring hit songs from the 50’s and 60’s by Andrew Bean (The Andrews Brothers and lots more). My godmother Janet Miller is the original choreography (she’s in New York right now helping the show open off Broadway) and I first saw the show in it’s extended initial run at the El Portal Theatre in North Hollywood, and enjoyed it very much, especially since it was a small space. While it translates well to the larger Laguna stage, I think a black box setting works better. No, I’m not baised! The costumes changed, but they were still nice throwbacks to the 50’s and 60’s. Cast featured original cast members Bets Malone and Julia Dixon-Jackson and newcomer Misty Cotton (from Sideshow at the Colony Theatre with Jackson and Spitfire Grill at Laguna … Continue reading →