The Rock Church Worship Service
Paul … Ed. Note : nothing that can separate my heart from your great love….except my selfishness…? Katie All hands on deck We’ll have a table outside with sign-up for various ministries that we have here (greeting, children’s, setup, cleanup, etc) We’re contemplating whether to move back to 5pm or not, please vote Paul Introducing our speaker tonight, Dan Parkins from Peninsula Community Church Dan I don’t want to share my testimony too much, that should come through in my sermon without effort 3 liver transplants, most of my large intestine removed due to disease, 3 years ago one of our sons passed away, parental divorce, defecating blood, a lot of things in my life that God has allowed me to go through Life is a struggle Sometimes we want to put on masks and say “I’m good” When really we’re crying inside I’m going to talk about wrestling with … Continue reading →