Tag Archives: Majesty

The Rock Covenant Church

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Maria Advent Conspiracy Worship fully Spend less Give more Love all … Advent is about celebrating the coming of God into our world … What helps us celebrate God, Christ, Emmanuel (God with us) … Regina … My mom gave me this stuffed Christmas tree with stuffed Nativity ornaments and we hang new items to match the theme of the week 30% of Manhattan Beach is Jewish, so we celebrate Chanukah I think it’s a bridge for the boys to some of the other kids in their school Celebrate the day of Epiphany El Molina sells king bread with plastic babies inside it … Maria Can draw ideas from each other but also the church calendar, I hadn’t even thought about celebrating epiphany If you want to share let us know You can also write on a paper ornament and hang it on the tree and see what other … Continue reading →

The Rock Covenant Church

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Jon …. The apostle Paul has the audacity to say that even in this I am content I’ve learned the secret of contented ness What if Paul never met Jesus, his life would be pretty awesome Went to a good school, had a good career as a Pharisee Then he met this resurrected Jesus Jesus doesn’t promise the good life, He promises us abundant life What if Paul had told the story from a different perspective, of unaccomplished goals and unfinished plans A story were Paul wasn’t doing so good In 1909 a no longer young woman named Henrietta Sol Founding HADASA, a women’s Zionist group Channeling her unrequited love into something productive and beautiful What if her story had been about getting married to the right man? Do you ever question the good life? Do you compare it with the abundant life that Jesus offers? So Paul says … Continue reading →

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul I realized 5 minutes ago that I didn’t like any of the songs I had prepared, so it’s going to be one of those nights Lay your love down (???) Jon Stoakia tocosmo – Basic elements of the earth No other gods before me and no graven images Martin Luther’s thesis on Galatians 3-10 are rooted in 1 and 2 All leads back to idolatry and what’s going on in our hearts Tim Keller Time, energy, passion, money, these things are all gifts, but they can turn into idol factories None of these basic elements, these gifts cannot hold us up, they’re finite Any of these things can enslave us Transitioning from being irreligious to being REALLY religious We all have religious impulses that say “there must be something I can do to receive God’s favor” The Gospel says that there’s nothing but trusting in Jesus Enslaved actually translates … Continue reading →