11/22/63 by Stephen King

Started: 1/23/2012 Finished: 2/4/2012 Stephen King, how dare you! Every time I read one of your books, I’m inexorably sucked in. But the movie adaptations are always horrible! Or at least I’m still bitter about Dreamcatcher. Anyways, it was really exciting to learn so much more about the Kennedy assassination than ever before….I mean Lee Harvey Oswald is always portrayed so wimpishly in Stephen Sondheim’s Assassins that sometimes you forget what he was really like. *shudder* But the whole thing was incredible as our hero stalks Oswald and prepares to change history. But more than that, our main character was a really likable guy! For whatever reason I deeply connected with him and wished him nothing but personal happiness by the end (and was mostly mollified). New favorite word: obdurate. Definition: Adjective: Stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action

Jesus is Joshua Bringing Us Into Rest

The following commentary really touched me and I wanted to share it. It was especially interesting because of Jesus’ final words (Father forgive them, they know not what they do). I’m not sure which translation, but I’ve heard Father translated as Elohim as well as Abba and this just made the whole thing that much more interesting to me. As a brief bit of background, Living Stream Ministry was something I was involved with when I went to UC Irvine and while I feel they may miss the mark sometimes, I stay subscribed to their daily devotional and am occasionally rewarded with gems like this.

Beauty And The Beast 3-D – AMC 12 At Downtown Disney, Anaheim, CA

Wow. Stunning, beautiful, extravagant…I’d need a thesaurus to better describe how incredible this film looked in 3-D. This film in particular is a great example of how beautiful 3-D can be, and it’s all thanks to a little thing Walt pioneered in 1937 called the multi-plane camera. I think Disney’s next big push should be for Snow White And The Seven Dwarves in 3-D. I would pay money to see that. But the film was only stunning up until the last 15 minutes or so. I’ve never had problems with 3-D before (although several of my friends have mentioned not being capable of watching a film with the glasses without developing a migraine), but the last 15 minutes were ruined for me because I can’t see the gorram sailboat. And it wasn’t just me! Recent conversations have revealed the same problem with Lion King 3-D and the grass. And it … Continue reading →

Idyllwild Cabin 1

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Kevin Good evening If your new, we’re so glad to have you here After the service if you want more info, talk to me or Pastor Jon After the service in the nursery, there will be an information meeting for Solace For The Children Kids from Afghanistan being hosted while getting medical services unavailable in Afghanistan Prayer for the offering Paul Jon Grace and peace be with you (and also with you) Open your Bibles to Philippians 1 Alex is painting a picture of our cabin in Idyllwild This message was written in community because I’m not that good (hah!) Prayer (not dwell with what happened yesterday?!?!?!) Going to deal with a bunch of verses tonight Use the handout to jot down notes on what God says to your heart related to grace and peace In Philippians, Paul and Timothy write to the citizens of Philippi Grace to you … Continue reading →

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Stephen Tonight we are bringing awareness to West Side Pregnancy Center Bredows and Milewskis have more info Interested in bonding with people over food? Dinners for 6-8 Mix names in a bowl of hats and get together Business meeting tonight after the service Child care services are available We have pictures from our involvement with the organization Solace For The Children Schmidts and the Parsons hosted kids this summer Life changing event hosting the child After church meeting for that next week Paul Jon Luke 19:1-10 Going to review the story of Zaccheus …. And how it comes to an individual Jesus not only comes to Zaccheus, but to an entire community Gives the community an opportunity to restore a person A community of grace goes even deeper little bit of background During this time in history Rome is ruling all Jericho included Under the kingdom of Rome They … Continue reading →

Wait A Second . . . Which Belief Do You Like Better?

This is from a book called Wisdom from the Bible: Daily Thoughts from the Proverbs by Dan and Nancy Dick. This is from a daily devotional subscription I have that mails verses from the King James version of the Bible. Emailed from [email protected] Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that … Continue reading →

PC Magazine Daily Digest Reactions

At CES, Vendors Play Catch Up With Apple Windows 8 you say…a laptop with a detachable table you say…that’s goatee stroakingly interesting! Last Ballmer CES Keynote Light on News, Big on Windows 8 Okay. Wait a second. Ryan Seacrest was on stage talking to Steve Ballmer about what’s coming next? Why? So more “not news but hype”, but the YouTube link at the bottom about the “Josh Groban Sings The Best Kanye West Tweets”? Priceless. Google ‘Dream’ Doodle Honors Martin Luther King Jr. Beautiful as always. Murdoch Slams Google, White House Over Piracy, SOPA I have absolutely NO respect for Rupert Murdoch’s statements. I still think Fox News is “more balanced” than any other news network out there, but really the future is going to belong to the Internet so get off your Twat-box Rupy. 😉 Murdoch: News Corp. ‘Screwed Up’ With MySpace Bwahaha. Yeah. That’s pretty funny. Also interesting … Continue reading →

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul … Heather Nobody liked Zaccheus very much He was a tax collector who made a profit by telling his customers that the tax was double the actual tax One day he’s doing his thing All of a sudden way down in the distance he sees a commotion Someone stands up and yells “It’s Jesus!” Everybody knows who Jesus was (Justin Beiber had nothing on him) I need my two tall people No, not you Cas (but I’ll need you later) Tons of people blocking the path Come up here Zaccheus He was a little man I’ve never been sick or blind, but I’m a bad person Maybe Jesus can do something to fix me So he tried standing on his tiptoes Tried jumping up and down Nothing really helped He was a little man He tried bouncing from side to side So this really tall tree (told you I’d … Continue reading →

NCS Adds New Webcomics Division!

**ADDENDUM 2/1/2012** Took me long enough to actually find it, but I finally read Kurtz’ comic (hotlinked below) and thoughts (Separate But Equal) on the NCS Webcomics division! Hilarious and thought-provoking, as always. **/ADDENDUM** **ADDENDUM 1/12/2012** This isn’t directly related, but it is Scott Kurtz ranting about the dying model of newspaper funny pages. **/ADDENDUM** Dave Kellet, author of Sheldon and Drive, chimes in here regarding the issue. I’ll be very interested to see what Scott Kurtz, monumental webcomic advocate and author of (among other things) PVPOnline, will have to say about this…

The Rock Church Worship Service

Paul Stephen Keating Second week of twenty dozen Agora Jan 19 3rd Thursday Prayer for the offering Paul Jon Genesis 1:1-2 The spirit of God is above the waters Water presents chaos We see God above chaos He begins to speak into this formless void He begins to create order out of chaos So again the spirit of God is bringing light out of the darkness The author of genesis is giving us this picture of how God creates order John 1:1-5 Darkness cannot overcome light Jesus is there at the beginning and separates light from darkness He brings detail and order where there is a formless void We see God creating order from chaos Genesis 1:9 So we have light and then we have these pictures of light, sky, earth, rock, dirt More process going on, it’s getting more complex Genesis 1:11 Life begins to spring forth Detailed God … Continue reading →