[My Reaction To Empire’s] 40 Movies You (Probably) Didn’t Know Were Comic Books
Original Article on Empire.com So after a friend posted this article and I started reading it, I almost immediately knew I wanted to tally my scores. But then above and beyond that, my wifey and I actually started arguing about the authenticity of this list! She started questioning it at “Over The Hedge” (comic strip vs. comic book) but it really got crazy at “The Fountain” (she felt that if it was always intended to be a movie, then what’s to keep this list from saying that “you probably didn’t know that Pride & Prejudice was a comic book” (which it is)). Being a pig-headed boy, it took me a while to understand her argument, but when I finally did get it, I heartily agreed with her. But I still wanted to tally my scores, so, without further ado: the categories for scoring and the numbers on the list! Films … Continue reading →